Neuromuscular Therapy
is a massage therapy technique that uses precise manual techniques to reduce pain, discomfort and stress in the body. This technique relies on your therapists assessment of your pain, condition, and identification of the muscles affected to create a strategy that will best address your needs. Neuromuscular therapy focuses not only on the pressure used, but also the precision in addressing specific pain points.
What to expect:
Your therapist will chat with you to assess your condition and may test your range of motion. Your therapist will gently massage your fascia and feel for stiff or tightened areas. Once the targeted areas are located, your therapist aids the tissue and supportive sheath in releasing pressure and tightness by using precise palpitations with their fingertips, knuckles, hands, elbows, and/or forearms. This process is repeated multiple times on the same trigger point and on other trigger points until your therapist feels the tension is fully released.
What to expect:
Your therapist will chat with you to assess your condition and may test your range of motion. Your therapist will gently massage your fascia and feel for stiff or tightened areas. Once the targeted areas are located, your therapist aids the tissue and supportive sheath in releasing pressure and tightness by using precise palpitations with their fingertips, knuckles, hands, elbows, and/or forearms. This process is repeated multiple times on the same trigger point and on other trigger points until your therapist feels the tension is fully released.
Enjoy neuromuscular therapy with your massage,
book A Simply Therapeutic Massage now with Kat, Irina, or Andrea
book A Simply Therapeutic Massage now with Kat, Irina, or Andrea